I hate you winter

10:45 AM

The above photo was taken this morning. I opened our front door and discovered essentially an entire foot of snow that had blanketed everything. I am no longer enamored with this white monster. I no longer find it cute. To get a full taste of my ire here is a list of all the problems this snow has caused:
  • we couldn't get our car up the hill yesterday
  • which meant that we had to push a stroller up the hill with a very unhappy baby
  • which meant that we got home exhausted, wet & cold 
  • we also have essentially nothing to eat
  • the power went out a couple hours ago
  • it is now very cold
  • we are stuck with nothing to do, nothing to eat & no water or heat
To say that I am over winter is a gross understatement. It has made the past couple of weeks unbearable. We are just dying for some sunshine, perhaps a tiny little patch of green grass and that magical temperature that allows one to drive with one's windows rolled down. It has felt like the longest, coldest winter and our bones are weary and our shoulders are sagging under the weight of heavy coats and heavy hearts. We've never needed a change more - more sun, more warmth, more blossoming and no more coats, hats, frost bitten hands, shoveling, scarves and no more snooooooooowwwwwww.

Perhaps if we collectively wish hard enough spring will actually come. I'm going to shut my eyes real tight, cross my fingers and wish real, real hard. 

Wake me up when the snow is gone.

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6 notes

  1. I am so joining the wishing-for-warmth-collective, believe me! Same here in Germany: the longest winter EVER. We had -5 degrees (Celsius, don´t know what it is in Fahrenheit, but water freezes at 0 degrees...). We also got this mean eastwind coming from Russia (yeah, Russia!) ;-), which is really freeezing cold. Snow is gone though. But there is not a single green bud on any of the plants or trees outside. I am totally longing for spring. The kids (3 and 1) are ready to go outside to run and play and explore. My daughter refuses to wear her snow pants or any warm pants in fact. She puts on leggings every day because she so badly wants spring to come, poor girl. What I alway find marvellous is, that in mid-August we will not be able to recall what it felt like and we will not be able to imagine, that a few months later all these leafy trees will be empty again and that the warm breeze will be a cold wind again... Hope you get electricity back soon!

  2. oh man, just made a post on my blog that I am now feeling guilty about!lol So sorry you guys got more snow! this "spring" seems weird everywhere, extra cold on the east cost and crazy hot on the west. hope you guys get good weather soon! stay warm! miss you!!!

  3. Winter is the pits. I am soooo over it! Just letting you know I nominated you for the Leibster Award because I love your blog so so much! Cheers.

  4. Oh no! I feel for you, it's sunny here but the snow won't go away.
    Spring is around the corner Darling, keep smiling! xxx

  5. You have had more snow that usual. Same here with us in New England. By next month I am sure it slowly start to warm up. Dream sweet dreams of flowers, warmth and fruit!

  6. i always love the snow. until march. then i'm like - YA DONE SNOW. YA DONE.


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