
Thoughts on a mellow new years eve...

It's only 11 and yet I'm already in bed, in my robe next to my babe that's sleeping soundly. Not quite the most rockin' NYE but it feels so good, so right. I suppose you can say we're officially adults since we can't even seem to stay awake to ring in the new year. As my dad said at dinner tonight "I will...

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We got a white Christmas after all! The snow was just the cherry on top of the best Christmas ever! It was so laid back, cozy and wonderful. This year Christmas was so simple and felt so right. We spent hours cuddled up on the sofa in front of the fire watching Christmas movies. We left the lights on the tree lit around...

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Merry Christmas!!

We went for our first walk as a family of three today! It was a little cold and we were "those people" who struggled to collapse the stroller for a few minutes but all in all it was a success! We even ran into a sweet couple that offered to take a family photo of us! I love kind souls like that! We...

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Birdie comes home

Our darling Valentina arrived into this world at 2:30 am on a Tuesday, her due date to be exact. The hours and days at the hospital were an exhausting blur and we couldn't wait to bring her home. Everything felt better, easier at home and we all fell into a routine. I'll never forget carrying her up the steps to the deck for...

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Wish List [hers]

wear, stocking stuffer, need, read, want wear, stocking stuffer, need, read, want ...

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Wish List [his]

wear, stocking stuffer, need, want, read wear, stocking stuffer, need, want, read ...

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Wish list [baby]

one, two, three, four, five, six As promised, here is the first installment of my "wish lists." Perhaps some of you may be looking for some inspiration as we draw nearer to Christmas.  Enjoy! *I'll be posting the rest this week.  ...

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We are so overwhelmed with the warm welcome that Valentina has received here.  Thank you ever so much for all the kind words, compliments and well wishes! We are so incredibly touched! xo ...

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We made a baby

Our baby girl arrived right on her due date! 12/11/12 Valentina Bird She has filled our hearts and home with so much love. I really had no idea it was possible to feel this way... She is an absolute joy to be around and makes us laugh, cry, smile & just feel so lucky every day. Welcome to the world darling! *Valentina is...

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More Christmas... Less Stuff

I was recently inspired by this post from Jen about Christmas.  Part of my attraction to the idea behind paring down Christmas, so to speak, was of course the obvious - it feels like Christmas gets crazier every year. Part of it was the desire to start our Christmas traditions on the right foot now that we will have a child in our...

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The waiting game

Still here guys. Still pregnant. If someone were to chart our emotions from these past couple of days it would look like a complete bell curve. We've been excited, disappointed, angry, happy, tired, etc... By the end of the week though we both made peace with the fact that this simply happens to be our journey to birth. The baby is running the...

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39 weeks

No baby yet. So instead I give you baby & I at 39 weeks. Also, we are trying every cooky idea out there to get this baby out.  Still haven't tried the castor oil... we'll see how I feel about that by the end of the week... ...

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A little update

This weekend we were surprised to discover that baby decided to start it's journey towards birth. I've been having contractions on and off since Saturday and needless to say I'm exhausted. We finally got to see our midwife today who was surprised to discover that I was dilated and 90% effaced! I was beyond thrilled to hear that all that work baby and...

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A Week's Worth of Odds & Ends

I'm gonna level with y'all - this week was no fun.  I had a big project for work I needed to finish up (finally going on maternity leave next week!), I got no sleep Wednesday night thanks to intermittent Braxton Hicks, the power went out for it's mandatory two hour period right around lunch time (which meant the house felt like a freezer...

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Just thought I'd share some of my favorite photos from last year's Christmas. It really is the most magical time of the year... ...

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