You may have noticed that recently I've been dipping my toes more and more in the vegan pool. As I continue to breastfeed Teddy (who has a dairy protein intolerance) I miss my old dairy-filled standbys more and more and find myself searching for a replacement. Just this week I finally discovered the beauty of homemade cashew cream and I am hooked! I've...
You might be surprised to know that when Birdie was a baby I used to carry a lot more in my diaper bag. Since Teddy is my second baby I've learned a few things here and there and figured out how to pack as little as possible but at the same time how to have absolutely everything we may need. So in no...
birdie: meet "raffy" the newest toy to join Birdie's growing collection that must accompany her at every outing and present for every nap! teddy: he seems less and less like my baby boy with every passing day but naked and fresh from a bath I can still see hints of that tiny newborn babe we brought home six months ago. ...
I love these posts my friend Ashely does on thursdays and I think it's a nice way to organize the jumbled up things flying around in my head as of late. Happy tuesday folks!! THINKING ABOUT: Honestly, social media. I feel like every few months I end up assessing how I use it and how I feel about it. When I took a...
birdie: we're finally seeing some determined growth when it comes to her hair! So much so that the other day I decided to give her bangs to keep the hair out of her eyes. It seemed to age her so much and just when I thought she couldn't possibly get any cuter there she goes... teddy: this little baby of mine is just...
We can never really remember the exact moment when doggie went from stuffed toy to best friend but I do remember when we first introduced him to Birdie. It was a blustery and gray December day when we pulled into our driveway as a family of three. I carefully carried Birdie up the stairs to our deck and happily stepped inside the warmth...
I recently finished reading Donald Miller's new book Scary Close that was recommended to me by so many people. Finding time to read these days is extremely difficult for me but I just couldn't put this one down. I read it in three sittings and it has been on my mind ever since. Miller unpacked so much of what has been on my...
birdie: I feel like her development at this point has hit lightening speed. She is so interested in everything around her, learns new words every day and is just so excited about LIFE!! teddy: he is getting ever so close to sitting and crawling and I can hardly believe it! ...
Since having to cut out dairy as much as possible because of breastfeeding Teddy (I allow myself an occasional small treat here and there) I have been craving cupcakes or cakes or... frosting like crazy. But six months in I couldn't keep the craving at bay any longer so I took to Pinterest to find a solution to my problem. Well, lo and...
We've done our fair share of traveling with both littles lately and we've picked up a few life lessons along the way that I thought I would share here in case anyone may find them helpful. I cannot guarantee that any of this will make travel with little ones stress free but it may make things a little easier. So here they are,...
birdie: her curiosity knows no bounds!teddy: surrounded by his gang of friends ...
A few weekends ago we had our good friends over. The day before they arrived I hung clean towels in the guest bathroom and wiped down the nightstands. That night I even washed Birdie's hair (does anyone else's toddler HATE getting their hair washed??)! They arrived at our house the following afternoon and papa bear and I became instantly irrelevant much to our...