

birdie: her vocabulary is expanding every day and it's so incredible to watch. Just the other day I was putting on a sweater I got for christmas and she goes "tees!" and then thinks for a little while and "kissmass!!" teddy: is finally getting a hang of this whole sleeping for longer than an hour thing and goodness gracious are his mama and...

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getting sorted

Sometimes you just need moment to re-compose yourself, to reset and to remember who you are after all the chiming, twittering, buzzing and screaming dies down. It's really kind of nuts the world we live in, I mean I love it, I really do, but it's nuts. From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep people are telling...

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the perfect striped shirt

hat - stepcat of canada, coat & jeans - j.crew, top - gap, shoes - converse I would give anything to go back to this day this past weekend when I was wearing CLOTHES. Sure was nice. I could wax poetic about the outfit here or even the weekend, which was so nice, but I'll just be honest instead. Because honestly, today sucks....

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birdie: sometimes I look at her and I feel like she aged ten years on me. teddy: wearing the hat his great grandmother knitted for him and a cardigan that used to be his sister's that was knit by a friend.  ...

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you do it, no you do it

When you have a baby you spend the entire first year running yourself ragged attending to their every need, whimper and grunt. They cry and you drop everything and run. It almost becomes a reflex, their cry always a faint echo in your head, your body clenched waiting for the volume to be turned up and then you run. If they're hungry you...

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happy baby

cardigan - target, jumpsuit - ace & jig, glasses - husband's, boots - madewell A little while back someone on instagram asked me if I had any nursing friendly outfit suggestions. At the moment I simply said that I don't always wear nursing friendly outfits but when I do it's usually a button down. Well eventually one gets bored of button downs and...

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birdie: we started potty training Birdie many moons ago because she seemed to show interested. Then she injured her leg, we were traveling all summer long, moved at the end of the summer and then of course we had Teddy. Long story short neither she nor we have had any time or energy to devote to it. But this week she decided we...

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no more tv

Most of the time it feels as if the internet is only good for making you buy things you probably don't need, bad advice and making you feel generally less than. But every once in a while a post comes along that pushes just the right buttons and forces you to make a much needed change. I posted both here and on instagram...

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vegan peanut butter chocolate chip oatmeal cookies

I think if I ever had to pick a favorite cookie it would most definitely be oatmeal. Not sure why exactly, though perhaps it's because they always taste a bit meatier than most cookies but at the same time "feel" healthy (I don't know how many oatmeal cookies are actually healthy but I'm fine with just pretending they are). In fact I've already...

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"winter" instead of "christmas"


I decided to jump in on the "weekly portrait of my children" project this year. They change so much practically every day but sometimes when you're in it every day it's hard to notice. I like that this project will make me capture these changes in them on a weekly basis. It will be so fun to look over these one day and...

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on having a newborn, again

I took these photos of him when he was four weeks old As Teddy's newborn stage draws to a close I wanted to put my thoughts about it down on "paper." I wanted to write it all down because having a newborn again has been so different and not for the reasons you would think. Though I do know better now than to...

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happy new year!

Happy new year guys!! Hope you had a wonderful one! Ours was pretty low key but lovely nevertheless. I roasted a chicken and baked my beloved buche de noel and after dinner we settled in to watch the traditional Russian new year's eve movie - The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath. It's a long, long movie and after ringing in the new...

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