
a hat for a rainy day

8:04 AM

hat - target, top - hatch, pants - target, boots - hunter, bag - rebecca minkoff

I can't believe it's that time again, the time when my outfit photos have become "maternity outfit photos." It seems like yesterday when I was taking these with Birdie growing inside me. Life has a funny way of running off without out you, cheekily stopping every now and then waiting for you to catch up. 
I have so much to say about "dressing the bump" (that's a really awful colloquialism isn't it?) this time around. It's funny how much your ideas about everything from a birth plan to maternity clothes can change in the course of two pregnancies. That is all to say that I will be doing a separate post on that subject very soon but in the meantime I wanted to share this outfit that I wore out a few weeks ago. I think I was about 13 weeks here and yes already in a maternity top! Three cheers for being comfortable am I right?!

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7 notes

  1. You look beautiful! And I really like that hat. The second bump is coming out faster. From the shape of it I would say, it might be another girl... ;-) Congratulations on your pregnancy. It is always a special and exciting time. Thank you also for sharing this personal phase with us.


    1. Thank you so much Sandy! Oh my gosh it totally is! Everyone warned me about that :) Your kind words always bring a smile to my face! :) xoxo

  2. So adorable! I am really looking forward to your maternity style posts!

  3. Your outfit is so cute! Plus i love your hunter boots! Mine are probably my most favorite piece in my whole closet right now!

  4. Thank you so much! I couldn't agree with you more! I want a pair in every color! :) xo

    1. Omg me too! If i could afford it i would probably own at least 20 pairs! Check out the Regent Apsley ones, theyre my personal favorite!


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