
just let go

In Russia we don't have snow plows, at least not when I was growing up. So in the winter it was a "drive at your own risk" situation. And drive we did, almost every day. And so it was inevitable that over the course of the season our car would get stuck or spin out multiple times. My dad always used these moments...

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spring things

sandals // soap // book // shoes // print // shorts // toothbrushes // socks // tee It's sort of a little late for a "spring things" post but here it is anyway! To be fair the weather down south has been unseasonably cold for this time of year so it's fooling me into thinking we can actually get through the month of...

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valya kids spring + summer 2017 is here!!

After many, many delays our Valya Kids spring and summer collection finally launched! Part of the reason for the many delays was the fact that I was obsessed with getting fit right, I just hate the idea of kids wearing something that's not comfortable so we went back and forth until I was sure everything was perfect.  I probably started dreaming of this...

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